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EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Swamp Thing star Jeryl Prescott

2019. június 07. 18:11 | DC Magyarország | Szólj hozzá!

Madame Xanadu herself answered our questions.

We had the opportunity to manage a short e-mail interview with Jeryl Prescott, who plays Madame Xanadu in DC Universe's Swamp Thing. We asked about her acting career, her relationship with the fans around the world, and of course about Swamp Thing. She answered our questions in no time, and we are truly grateful for that. You can read the full interview below! She was also kind enough to send us a new image of her character in the show.

Jeryl: Thank you for this opportunity to introduce myself to the fans of upcoming Swamp Thing, the new season of Big Little Lies, and fans of my past projects - The Walking Dead, High Flying Bird (Netflix), Ray Donovan, The Skeleton Key, and The Birth of a Nation!

Question: How did you get into acting?

Jeryl: I like to call acting my third life. I had two careers before fully committing to life as an actress. I graduated from Clemson University with a BS in Industrial Management and worked in the trucking industry for two years. Encouraged by a dear friend to enroll in graduate school, I eventually earned an MA and a PhD in literature. I spent 12 years in academia and met many people and learned many skills that inform and enhance my work as an actress. Since high school, I have done theater in educational settings, community theater groups, and regional theater. From the beginning, I have been blessed to be surrounded by incredible artists who taught and inspired me: Maya Angelou, Larry Leon Hamlin (founder of the National Black Theater Festival), Nathan Ross Freeman (award winning writer, producer), Leander Sales (editor of more than 7 films by Spike Lee), and many, many more. All of these influences and artists and experiences have given me encouragement and broad perspective on the human condition and universal truths that inform the core of characters I try to bring to life. If I were not acting, I would return to the classroom to learn even more from my students about life, truth, and the world.

Q: What are your feelings and experiences about meeting fans around the world? Do you have any weird or memorable experiences of this kind?

J: I'm so grateful for your support, and I love meeting fans. Just to know that people really connect, feel, and engage in the human stories I'm working to communicate is so fulfilling. Without exception, my fan experiences have been full of hugs, high-fives, respect, and appreciation.

Q: Who is your favorite actor and actress from the currently active ones, including TV and cinema?

J: I also love to watch my multitalented sisters and brothers in the arts work! I adore the multifaceted work of Regina Hall, Allison Jayney, Phylicia Rashad, Jeffrey Wright, Jamie Foxx, Andre Holland & Judy Dench to name a few. I am tremendously lucky to have worked with phenomenal actors in The Walking Dead, Ray Donovan, Big Little Lies, and Swamp Thing! I pinch myself regularly. :)

Q: And now let's talk about Swamp Thing. Can you descibe the show in a few sentences? How would you describe Madame Xanadu? What do you think about her?

J: The entire Swamp Thing team of writers, producers, directors, crew, and actors rocks! The world of this show combines horror, romance, drama, and a touch of humor. It is unlike any project I've seen or heard about and our Swamp family is thrilled that audiences will see it soon. Madame Xanadu is possible only with the excellent support and creativity of our special effects, make up, and production village. She is phenomenal - a product of more than 2000 years of life as an immortal and a layered DC history that places Xanadu firmly in the middle of all kinds of human and universal dilemmas. She is both witness and participant, participant and muse. But most importantly, she is committed to this community and all of its swampy mess!

Q: Is there anything you would like to say to your fans in Hungary and for the fans who will follow the show?

J: I hope fans in Hungary and across the world are ready to go on this journey with our powerful lead Crystal Reed, who plays Abby. We've all heard that "you can't go home again," and she learns quickly that her small, southern hometown is NOT what it used to be. In fact, it's turning into something the world has never seen. Even scarier, this swampy world demands that Madame Xanadu - who has seen a lot in 2000 years - summon ALL of the powers she can access! Get ready Hungary - it's an awesome ride!

Season one of Swamp Thing is now streaming on DC Universe in the US, with new episodes arriving every week.

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